Saturday, January 12, 2008

Cardboardy goodness

These are all so lame (and scattered throughout the house) that I can't even bear to post pictures. Last year, I got excited about a project that required vast quantities of cardboard. (Then school took over my life, and I haven't yet had the two or three days it will take to actually get the project done.) Craigslist led me to a car windshield dealer who had tons of weird cardboard, so now my garage attic has a good three-foot stack of sheets (about 2' x 4') with a weird loop cut out in the middle.

We've been using this cardboard for EV.ERY. THING. One day we made a blue Power Ranger mask (Marks A Lot and elastic). One day we made actually really cool guitars (the cardboard is corrugated on one side, so a strip of that glued to the front of the guitar looks just like guitar strings). We've made houses and roads and weapons from this stuff.

Haven't really made a dent in the pile, either.