I have a big box of silver plated silverware from my grandmother. It's nice and all -- really, it's really nice, and I'm grateful to have it -- but I'd never actually USE it because honey, you can't just drop that stuff in the dishwasher. So what else could I do with it? Anything meaningful?
I heard once that "spoony" was an old slang term for "looking good." Or something like that. Anyway. A friend of mine recently graduated from seminary. I want her to look spoony.
From the top:
From the back:
I used a Dremel to cut off the bowls of the spoons and sand the ends smooth. I taped felt pads onto the business end of two pairs of pliers (otherwise it would chew up the metal) and just bent, bent, bent ... bent back ... bent ... bent back a little more ... ugh ... bent ... yay! Done!
I used a jump ring to hook the front sides together. It was a bit tricky to get it on myself with a lobster claw, so I switched to a magnet clasp. Works so much better.