Saturday, March 19, 2011

Arrested Development peg people

I can't seem to stop myself.

These are for a friend who's a huge fan of the show "Arrested Development." It was hard to keep the cast to a manageable size -- there were so, so many other characters I could have added.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Harry Potter peg people

Yet *another* set ripped off from Etsy! Yet (Yetsy?) I've broadened it a little. For example, I added a Hagrid:

Ooooh, it's those darn Slytherins!

One of those one-dollar wooden cabinet things from the unfinished wood section at Michaels (cut horizontally in half, painted brown, and turned upside down) can hold anything you need for Potions or Herbology class.

Wait, those aren't plants! Those are mandrakes! (sculpey and toothpicks)

Professor Quirrell is sporting a turban made of sculpey. There's also professor Sprout (who really needs her gardening hat, I think), and Profs McGonagall, Dumbledore, Flitwick, and Snape. I think there are two Flitwicks in the movie versions -- a really old one, and this guy who also conducts the choir.

When Quirrell takes off his turban, look out! (Stole this idea from the Lego version.) I'm really pleased with how McGonagall's hair turned out -- I just dragged a toothpick through the paint, and it really looks like a bun!

Now I'm working on a Hogwarts castle. I'm not a very precise builder -- not enough patience, not enough skill with tools -- so it's pretty rough. Seriously, I think I did better work when I was in 7th grade shop class. But so far the boys like it.

More peg goodness

Again, totally ripped off from Etsy. Except the ghost. That was my own invention.

Big Damn Peg People

I've been busy. I swear. Too busy to make many projects, and too busy to post the few that I've worked on. So here's something I just finished today. It's for a very good friend who loves Joss Whedon's "Firefly" series. I ripped off the entire thing from a much better set I saw on Etsy. (That's not me being modest -- just honest. Her work is much neater than mine. But I probably drink more while crafting than she does.) So I made this set of 9 figures, then I went to Michael's and got one of those decorative boxes that looks like a book. Has a magnetic closure. The title of this fake book was "Live Laugh Love." Lame. I printed a new title (it's funny if you know Firefly) on some old-looking paper, sprayed it with matte finish, and used some spray adhesive to stick it over the title. It turned out pretty well!

For the inside, I used some leftover upholstery foam to create some space for the figures to friction-fit into. Then I used an old scrap of flannel and my glue gun to cover it. Much more thematic than the green upholstery foam.

I'm super excited about this because the friend is a writer (her first novel is coming out this fall). Books are what she loves. And she loves Firefly.